We are currently experiencing problems with PayPal donations; however, we can still accept your donations.
Please use the form below and let us know your name and email address, and we will be in contact to discuss the best way for you to make your donation.
We appreciate your patience and generosity while we address our challenges with PayPal.
See how we use your donations
Buys a rug for a child’s bedroom to cover a cold floor
Buys a rug for a child’s bedroom to cover a cold floor
Buys a duvet for a child to ensure they get a proper night’s sleep and are ready for school the next day
Buys a duvet for a child to ensure they get a proper night’s sleep and are ready for school the next day
Buys a complete school uniform for a child
Buys a complete school uniform for a child
Buys a play therapy session or family counselling to help bring families together
Buys a play therapy session or family counselling to help bring families together
Buys a fresh food parcel for a local family that lasts two weeks
Buys a fresh food parcel for a local family that lasts two weeks
Buys a specialist therapy session for victims of abuse
Buys a specialist therapy session for victims of abuse
Provides a Santa package for an entire family with food, gifts and toiletries
Provides a Santa package for an entire family with food, gifts and toiletries
Provides a safe and warm meeting place for a whole term for a mother & toddler support group for the survivors of domestic violence
Provides a safe and warm meeting place for a whole term for a mother & toddler support group for the survivors of domestic violence
Provides fresh food for a local family for a month
Provides fresh food for a local family for a month
Please consider a recurring donation
Charities like ours rely on regular donations to ensure we have the available funds to help people in need throughout the year. When funds are low it can be a struggle to provide the critical items needed by people who reach out for support.
That’s why we now offer a recurring donation option, making it easy for anyone to donate on a monthly basis.
It’s quick and easy to make your recurring donation – simply tick ‘Make this a monthly donation’ when prompted.
If you are a UK taxpayer, please you can complete a Gift Aid Declaration Form, as this increases our income by at least 20%.